Month: January 2015

Flotsam and Jetsam #94

Blog of the Week:  The blog of the week is Stefan Glienke’s Delphi Sorcery.  He is doing all kind of cool things, including bringing some of the interesting things found in functional programming over to Delphi.  His latest post is on Either – a record that can be either one thing or another.  It’s similar…

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On the Use and Acceptance of nil

Yesterday I made the following tweet: Never pass nil to a method, and don’t let your methods accept nil as a parameter value. — Nick Hodges (@NickHodges) January 19, 2015 and it started and interesting little discussion on Twitter.  (I was actually honored that the great Mark Seemann himself entered into the fray…) Naturally, the…

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Delphi and #Code2014

Hey, Delphi ended up really well in the #code2014 survey.  Sure, it’s self-selected and thus statistically dubious, but it definitely is nice to see Delphi in ninth position with a prominent circle.  (If you add Delphi and Pascal together, we’d be in sixth place.  Yes, I can see the comments already…) If I were part…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #92

We have a vibrant .Net community here in the Eastern Pennsylvania/Philadelphia area.  Philly.Net runs events once or twice a month at the Microsoft campus, and semi-annual Code Camps that are usually attended by well over 700 people.  I attend whenever I can.  But I’ve noticed something interesting over the last year or two:  almost all…

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More Coding in Delphi

First of all, I want to once again thank all of you who have purchased, read, or otherwise supported my book Coding in Delphi.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again  — the response has been overwhelming and humbling.  The book has been more successful than I could have ever hoped for. It’s…

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