How to Buy My Books

First, I want to thank all of you that have bought one or more or my books.  I’m very grateful.

Second, I wanted to post to make sure that everyone knows that I have three books out  and how you can buy them.


Buy in Paperback

Buy in Digital Form

CodingInDelphiCoverFront Buy on Amazon for $24.99 Buy on LeanPub for $24.99, which includes *.MOBI, *.PDF, and *.EPUB
MoreCodingInDelphiCoverFront Buy on Amazon for $29.99


Buy on LeanPub for $29.99, which includes *.MOBI, *.PDF, and *.EPUB
title_page Buy on Amazon for $19.99


Buy on LeanPub for $19.99, which includes *.MOBI, *.PDF, and *.EPUB

Another option, for those that want to buy all three, is to buy them in a digital bundle on LeanPub for $49.99

2 Replies to “How to Buy My Books”

  1. After seeing you webinar on Dependency Injection I’m really looking forward to reading you Dependency Injection book.

    For now I just want to let you know that the “Buy in Digital Form” link points to Coding in Delphi.

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