Month: December 2014

Flotsam and Jetsam #91

It’s #Code2014 time again! Time to tweet out what languages you used for the year.  Just list your languages and include the hashtag `#code2014`, and they’ll do the rest.  Of course, you can include Delphi all you want.  I won’t mind. Looks like Ray Konopka will be replacing Dr. Bob this coming year for Delphi…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #90

I mentioned this video before, but it is so good I’m going to mention it again:  Parallel Programming Library: Create Responsive Object Pascal Apps.   Danny’s blog is in Dutch, but he has an English entry that includes the source code to his session. Something I’m surprised by:  The number of questions on the Delphi StackOverflow…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #89

A little while ago, I wrote an article on VSoft’s command line arguments library.  Since then, I’ve discovered a couple of other solutions that might be of interest.  First is from John Kaster, TCommandParser, which has an EDN article (it’s mentioned in there, don’t worry) and a CodeCentral entry.  Primož Gabrijelčič has created one that…

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Command/Query Separation

Introduction An important step to writing Clean Code is the notion of separating “commands” and “queries” by using the Command Query Separation Principle.  The notion was first discussed by Bertrand Meyer in his book Object Oriented Software Construction.  This means that the idea is not new.  In its basic form, it means we should separate the…

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