Something I’m surprised by: The number of questions on the Delphi StackOverflow tag that deal with integrating with Excel. Also, tons of Indy questions.
This is interesting: Jon Aasenden is creating DelphiArmy – a real, no kidding jobsite for Delphi developers. I’ll be interested to see how that goes. It appears to be alive and running, so make an entry if you need to.
I’ve mentioned free this tool before, but its usefulness is so awesome that I wanted to point it out again. It’s called “Everything”, and it allows you to search for any file by name on your entire system. It’s lightening fast, and I use it probably twenty times a day to find things I’m looking for. It’s one of the first things I install on a new system. Truly outstanding and amazingly useful. Highly recommended.
While I’m at this “mentioning before” thing, I’ll give a strong endorsement to the Delphi-built Clipmate. Again, I use this thing about 25 times a day. It’s a clipboard cache that remembers what you’ve put on the clipboard. It’s not free – but it’s well worth the price. Saved my butt a thousand times, too, when I overwrite something on the clipboard that I didn’t want to.
4 Replies to “Flotsam and Jetsam #90”
ditto ( is a great clipboard manager. You can send clips to other machines. I just wish there was a IOS client for it.
The DelphiArmy sight has a listing for a catering manager? Something must be wrong there.
There use to be some Excel automation components that made it easy to use Excel with Delphi. I wonder if they are still hanging around the “Installed Components” screen?
Maybe some are confused because name Delphi in Norway is also used for some consultants and alike,
ditto ( is a great clipboard manager. You can send clips to other machines. I just wish there was a IOS client for it.
The DelphiArmy sight has a listing for a catering manager? Something must be wrong there.
There use to be some Excel automation components that made it easy to use Excel with Delphi. I wonder if they are still hanging around the “Installed Components” screen?
Maybe some are confused because name Delphi in Norway is also used for some consultants and alike,
Like (existing since 1986) and (fundings where Excel maybe is a neccesary tool 🙂 )
Delphi is also the name of a very popular Hotel and Catering management software
If they are supplementing the member-entered jobs with jobs from another website , based on a “delphi” text search, this could explain it.