Flotsam and Jetsam #110

  • I am doing two Embarcadero Partner Spotlights in the coming weeks.  Both will be 15-20 minute videos about chapters in my book.  The first will be on the Command Pattern, and the second will be on Aspect-oriented Programming.  You can sign up here.  There are some other good partner spotlights coming up as well, including Parnassus (which I talk about below.)  You can also watch all the past Partner Spotlights on YouTube.
  • I’ll be speaking at EKON 19 this year.  Topics include Operator Overloading, Parallel Programming, and a three hour tutorial on Dependency Injection.  I always have a great time at this event, and I always learn a lot.  Marco Cantu and Cary Jensen will be there.  I’d recommend attending – and you get early bird pricing before 01 October.
  • I’ll tell you what, the advertising team at Embarcadero is playing at the top of their game.  I can’t go anywhere on the web without seeing an ad for Delphi 10 Seattle.  Google ads is working quite nicely for them.  If you are a Delphi developer and use Google for searching, you have no excuse not to know DX Seattle exists.
  • I’m a big user and fan of Parnassus Bookmarks, and they have released a version for DX Seattle.  Highly recommended.  And I look forward to seeing what they have in store in the future.  David Millington is a great developer, and I expect some cool stuff in the IDE Plugin department from him.  You should also check out his Navigator tool.
  • The Embarcadero newsgroups are back up and running on new hardware and a new backend.  They’ve been reliable and speedy for about two weeks or so, now, so hopefully they will stay that way.  I think the “catch” is that you have to use SSL to connect.  But in any event, if you are still into using the newsgroups, they seem solidly back up now.

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