Tag: Parallel

Flotsam and Jetsam #119

Hey, we have a hotfix available for RAD Studio.  It can be found on Code Central.  It focuses on some issues in the tool chain.  Given that it’s a hotfix, it only replaces a few choice files and doesn’t require an uninstall/reinstall process. Thanks to everyone who filled out the RAD Studio survey.  We had…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #98

I’ve been whining about my difficulty in writing a book chapter about the Parallel Programming Library.  I’m getting the hang of it, though, and it is as cool as it’s been touted to be.  In fact, I’d venture to say that once you start using it, you’ll never really need to use `TThread` again.  The…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #97

Well, the next release of Delphi must be getting close.  The Delphi Insider has information about Skill Sprints that will show some of the new features.  Mitov Software has an interesting screen shot that looks like it has some sort of multi-view for mobile apps.  Cool.  Here’s a community post on what it is –…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #96

Quote of the Week: “In general, you should always strive to eliminate the passing of null rather than checking for null.” – John Sonmez #DelphiWeek was fun.  I followed the hashtag on Twitter,  and saw all kinds of fun stuff, from people posting pictures of their old versions of Delphi (all the way back to…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #90

I mentioned this video before, but it is so good I’m going to mention it again:  Parallel Programming Library: Create Responsive Object Pascal Apps.   Danny’s blog is in Dutch, but he has an English entry that includes the source code to his session. Something I’m surprised by:  The number of questions on the Delphi StackOverflow…

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