Tag: VCL

Flotsam and Jetsam #100

Well, here we are; one hundred Flotsam and Jetsam’s.  I started this series just after I left Embarcadero. Here’s a link to the very first one on July 17, 2010.  Short and sweet it was.  Took almost five years to get here to one hundred.  Thanks for hanging with me.  Here’s to another 100, eh?…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #98

I’ve been whining about my difficulty in writing a book chapter about the Parallel Programming Library.  I’m getting the hang of it, though, and it is as cool as it’s been touted to be.  In fact, I’d venture to say that once you start using it, you’ll never really need to use `TThread` again.  The…

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Flotsam and Jetsam #89

A little while ago, I wrote an article on VSoft’s command line arguments library.  Since then, I’ve discovered a couple of other solutions that might be of interest.  First is from John Kaster, TCommandParser, which has an EDN article (it’s mentioned in there, don’t worry) and a CodeCentral entry.  Primož Gabrijelčič has created one that…

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