Flotsam and Jetsam #100

  • Well, here we are; one hundred Flotsam and Jetsam’s.  I started this series just after I left Embarcadero. Here’s a link to the very first one on July 17, 2010.  Short and sweet it was.  Took almost five years to get here to one hundred.  Thanks for hanging with me.  Here’s to another 100, eh?
  • Delphi XE8 is out. The main feature appears to be the Apple-mandated 64-bit iOS support.  It has Castalia integration as well as an interesting new tool called “GetIt” that will install a various – and presumably expanding – list of third party component sets and frameworks.  That’s pretty nice.  The Data Sheet can be found here and the Feature Matrix is here.  Give it a look.  “Support and Maintenance” is now called “Update Subscription”  which has the following interesting text in it:  “…on-going maintenance on previous versions for up to 2 years from release..”   That sounds intriguing. There is also a tool to migrate your settings  from previous versions.  I know I’ll be using that. Here’s the list of new things in XE8 – it’s pretty long.
  • SD Tmes has a review of RAD Studio XE8.  Lots of talk about IoT – “The Internet of Things’”.  And here’s the article from The Register.  My favorite quote from that article: “I ran up the RAD Studio XE8 IDE and one obvious benefit is the speed and responsiveness of the IDE compared to Visual Studio.
  • For some reason, VCL developers always seem to feel slighted by recent releases.  No reason to feel that way, though:  Marco has a nice list of things for VCL developers in XE8. I especially like the improved TField performance.