50 Things I Don’t Like

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Heavily coupled code
  3. When people think that Delphi is dead
  4. Pineapple on Pizza
  5. Mean people
  6. Rap “Music”
  7. Not having enough battery
  8. Wires
  9. The New York Yankees
  10. Restaurants that don’t have free wireless
  11. C++
  12. Waiting
  13. Hillary Clinton
  14. Kanye West
  15. Bad grammar
  16. Stop lights
  17. Lima Beans
  18. The Caps Lock key
  19. When Windows steals the focus and your keystrokes go somewhere you don’t want them to
  20. Cleaning the bathroom
  21. Whoopi Goldberg
  22. Little dogs that yap and yap and yap
  23. When people don’t mean it when they agree to a EULA
  24. Tabs in source code
  25. Cold, rainy days
  26. Meaningless variable names
  27. The Lord of the Rings books
  28. May 4th as “Star Wars Day” (Stop talking like Daffy Duck)
  29. Cancer
  30. Mowing the lawn
  31. Delphi’s ‘with’ statement
  32. Cleaning litter boxes
  33. Headphones that tangle
  34. Smugness.  I can take arrogant, but not smug.
  35. Apple
  36. Winter
  37. Software pirates
  38. Being sick
  39. Dress codes
  40. When my team loses
  41. Long meetings
  42. Cauliflower
  43. Global Variables
  44. The Green Bay Packers
  45. Being overweight
  46. Entities that oppose Uber
  47. Badly formatted code
  48. Really spicy food
  49. Cable companies
  50. When my wife is away.

8 Replies to “50 Things I Don’t Like”

  1. Nice list. I would add
    51) Repeating myself 3 or more times.
    52) Not finding things where they should be.

  2. I don’t agree with “Cold, rainy days”. Cold, rainy days make coding inside a comfortable modern office an absolute delight, with a premium coffee or tea on your desk, sitting in your big premium chief leather chair and of course the premium Delphi IDE on the screen!

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