My new book, “Dependency Injection in Delphi” is getting close to being published. It is a deep dive into Dependency Injection and the Spring4D DI Container.
It’s going to be about 90 pages long or so, depending on the exact size the book ends up being. I’ll be publishing it first as an eBook, and then soon after in hard cover.
You can click on the link above to find out more information, including the chapter list. Please feel free to enter your email address to be notified about it being published, etc. (You don’t even have to let me know your email address if you don’t want to).
My previous two books – Coding in Delphi and More Coding in Delphi – exceeded my expectations, and I’m very grateful to everyone who bought it. I know I’ll appreciate the support that Dependency Injection in Delphi receives as well. Thanks as always.
Looking foward to it!
I will definitely get the eBook.
Great info Nick. Your books are a must!!!